Mint Design Studio

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CATEGORY: Events Organisers, Mayfair & St James's, Printed Materials

Mayfair Party 2021

We think this is the 9th year we’ve designed the party materials for the Residents’ Society of Mayfair & St James’s (RSMSJ).

There was no party in 2020 due to the coronavirus, and this year the event was held as a late Summer party, in September rather than July. The celebration attracts several impressive sponsors and supporters and to date has attracted lovely weather on the evening too! Every year the guest list grows and Mayfair residents and businesses come together to share delicious foodie treats and drinks. Find out about the RSMSJ at

We supply: programmes, a stage banner, welcome gate banners, tickets and printed party team t-shirts. Kate at Mint worked directly with Richard, Chairman of the RSMSJ, and along with providing a design service, due to how quickly the party was organised, made sure all party items were delivered on time.